采用高科技微电脑控制,流线形设计,符合人体工程学原理,适合家庭、汽车、办公室等场所使用,可选择内置五、七、九个强磁高频率振动马达,特设揉捏、捶打、指压、拍击、循环按摩、定点按摩等9大按摩功能,可条节的强、中、弱力度,让您享受到自由调整空间,.能迅速舒缓劲部、肩部、背部、腿部、腰部等部位酸痛,可消除肌肉紧张及工作疲劳,也可选择加热功能.(采用小巧玲珑的是手控器,五组震动器,40-20-10分钟三档定时,六个按摩模式,强,中,弱三档力度调节,采用豪华的PU革面料).The high-tech microcomputer control, the flow line design, accord with human body engineering principle, suitable for family, automobile, office, can choose to use built-in 5, 7, nine strong magnetic high frequency vibration motor, AD hoc knead, tapping, acupressure massage circulation, close-hauled, dot, massage, can massage function, 9 of the day: strong, middle or weak, let you enjoy free space, can adjust quickly relieve neck, shoulder, waist, back, leg, etc, can eliminate sore muscles tense and fatigue, also can choose heating function. (using small and exquisite of is a hand controller, groups of five and 40-20-10 minutes three timing, six massage modes, strong, weak, three gears, using the power of PU leather luxurious fabric).更多产品如下