武汉利凯金刚石制品有限公司位于九省通衢的武汉市。是生产各类金刚石制品的专业厂家。主要产品包括各类规格的电镀、烧结金刚石产品系列;金刚石青铜结合剂、树脂结合剂的平行、碗型、碟型、杯型及用户要求的异型砂轮系列;金刚石电镀、烧结锯片系列及各类薄壁钻头、地质钻头系列。 武汉利凯是集中国各类金刚石产品生产能力,开发能力都很优秀的生产基地,以满足日益变化的市场需要。多年来,公司以现代化的设备、先进的技术和优异的产品质量,享誉海内外。我们将奉行以科技创造永恒,崇尚信誉。以真诚赢得自我的宗旨。坚持以品牌赢得市场,以热忱服务创造顾客,以高科技服务社会的方针,热忱为广大用户提供优良服务! 愿把我们的精良产品与您共享,利凯人竭诚为您提供最优质的服务。Wuhan Likai Diamond Products Co,Ltd. is the professional manufacturer of all kinds of diamond goods, located in Qingshan district,Wuhan. Our main products are electroplate and sinter-roasting diamond abrasive wheel series with different specifications; Flat, calathiform, disciform, cup-type and nonconventional type diamond grinding wheel series with bronze and loaded resin binding agent;Dry-type,wet-type and ultra-thin diamond saw blade series; All kind of thin wall and? geology diamond drilling bit series. We would like to serve all our customers with the perfect products and unparalleled service.