Weifang Cosmos Autoparts co.,Ltd. is a joint venture between US and Chinese companies that specializes in researching and producing automobile electronics. It is mainly engaged in producing voltage regulators for alternators. Adopting international standards, Cosmos makes regulators for numerous car makes and models. Thick film hybrid circuits are processed by SMT. Products are tested under the world’s best standardsusing DV and Transpo- testing devices. Professionally designed, skillfully manufactured, and tested with first-class equipment, boao products live up to their quality and reliability. boao has the capability to develop new products by itself and is also capable to manufacture products according to the technical requests from its customers. Our goal is to exceed industry/OEM standards in fit, form and function and focus in our advanced product quality planning. We are continuously improving the design of our products, material specifications, manufacturing processes and operating systems. 潍坊博奥汽车配件有限公司是一家以研发,生产和销售于一体的工业企业,主要产品有汽车发电机电压调节器,分电器点火模块,点火线圈。 博奥汽车配件以国际汽车行业调节器产品的技术性能参数为标准,自行研发生产各类车型电压调节器,调节器芯片采用专用集成电路设计,充分优化了汽车发电机的性能。生产工艺采用厚膜陶瓷SMT贴片加工生产,提高了产品的质量和稳定性.特别是检测标准使用国际最先进的调节器 DV 检测设备及Transpo测试设备检测,保证了产品性能达到了国际一流水平。 我们从数百名员工中培养精选了一只精锐的生产队伍和品管队伍,每月可以生产出12-15万只产品我们产品首次装机合格率达99.73%,产品成品出厂合格率100%,我们本着客户需求第一,产品质量第一的经营理念持续改进. 产品设计精专,制作工艺优良,检测设备先进.铸就“博奥”的品质,成就“COSMOS”的品牌。 企业理念:诚信经营 以质取胜 科学管理 以人为本 企业宗旨:顾客至上 质量第一