宁津县空分弹簧厂是生产各种机械设备弹簧及冲压件的专业厂家,建厂20多年来,由于勇于开拓,大胆进取,现已发展为拥有固定资产1100万元,职工300人、高、中级技术人员36人、建筑面积2.6万平方米的集体企业. 本厂生产适用于纺织机、摩托车、农机、军工、制氧等近百种弹簧系列,壹万多种规格,以高质量的产品、合理的价格、周到的服务求生存,该产品已为全国500多家企业及公司配套并出口到美国、日本、澳大利亚、台湾等国家和地区,企业多次被省计量局、工商局评为计量合格二级企业、重合同守信用企业. 厂长赵均来先生愿与各界同仁: 携手共进,共创辉煌! Nin Jing Kongfen Springs Factory is professional in producing varied of springs and metal-plates mainly used in Machinery, after 20 years’ explorling bravely,processing boldly,now owned fixed assets 11,000 thousand yuan,300 staff, Among them include 36 high-middle level technicians,hold 26 thousands square meters in areaNear 100 kinds of series,10 thousands of specification are applicable to textile machine,motorbike,faming machine,military,oxygen-produce etc,survive in currently fierce market by its high-quality,resonable price,considerable service,till now,except for providing for 500 erterprises homeland,export to America,Japan,Australia and Taiwan etc. coutnries and districts, and awarded Second Measurement Qualified Enterprise, Value Contracts and keep credit Enterprise many times by Measurement bereau and Industrial &commercial bureau.Factory Leader Junlai Zhao hope hands in hands with all level partners to creat splended furture