東一五金電子製品廠籌建於2002年2月,2005年8月開始,增加模具部門,廠房面積2500平方米。廠房座落于廣東省東莞市長安鎮沙頭村东大街47号,東一厂是专业制造五金衝壓零件加工的專業工廠。主要应用于:电子、电器、电脑、通讯、玩具、灯饰、汽车等各种行业。公司拥有数台进口從6.3噸到110噸各式衝床數台投影仪等五金加工,检测设备。 東一五金电子制品厂始终致力于向客户提供优质、具有竞争力的价格的产品、准时的交货表现和良好服务,与客户建立良好的合作关系,实现供应链中的双赢战略。 本公司主要产品有:五金冲压件,弹簧螺母,用于PC板的紧固件、埋头螺栓、以及各种非标准件等. 轴芯、灯饰五金车件、转轴等五金零件及组合件。公司网站:Http://www.toichi.com.cnTOICHI METAL is a professional company with manufacturing and sales of metal parts applied in wide fields such as computer,electrics,devices,telecommunication and lighting. TOICHI METAL is always dedicated to providing products with high quality,competitive price,on—time delivery and robust service. TOICHI METAL has been persisting in the strategy of Win—Win principles during the supply chain. We are delicated to being a leading lathing metal parts provider with the following aspects: 1) Quality excellence 2) On-time delivery 3) Competitive price 4) Perfect service 5) Techinal innovation ISO 9001 quality system of our company is awarded and we are pusing TQM and ISO9001 to better meet the related parties demands.