能做ford,mazda,honda,多语言,能编程,能配钥匙,超值组合!Description:IMXA 4 AUTO SCANNER = VCM/IDS + GNA 600 HDS 1. Reprogrammingfor all ford vehicles;2. Reprogrammingfor all mazda vehicles;3. No passwordfor all Honda key and smart key;Product Information:IMAX 4 AUTO SCANNER Software Version:1.software version for Ford: IDS R68;2.software version for Honda:V2.021.008;IMAX AUTO SCANNER Prosupports 29 language:
1.Scantool DiagnosticsAll ford and mazda vehicles(Include all functions of original VCM/IDS);All Honda vehicles(Include all functions of original GNA 600 + Honda HDS+ FLY100 Full Version);All Toyota vehicles(Include all functions of original Toyota TIS Techstream);2.Vehicle ReprogrammingAll ford and mazda vehicles(Include all functions of original VCM/IDS);All Honda vehicles(Include all functions of original GNA 600 + Honda HDS+ FLY100 Full Version);All Toyota vehicles(Include all functions of original Toyota TIS Techstream);3.Immobi and Smart keyAll ford and mazda vehicles(Include all functions of original VCM/IDS);All Honda vehicles(Include all functions of original GNA 600 + Honda HDS+ FLY100 Full Version);All Toyota vehicles(Include all functions of original Toyota TIS Techstream);
Hardware and software requirements:1.PC or laptop with Windows XP (SP2 or later);2.Hard disk drive with at least 400MB of free space; 3.DVD-ROM drive (if a high-speed Internet connection is not available); 4.USB2.0required to connect PC to host; 5.Monitor capable of displaying in VGA mode or above (1024 x 768 recommended);Operation Notes:1. 4M AUTO SCANNER can only work for Windows XP(SP2 or later). It cannot work for VISTA 批量购买价格更优惠,质量保证!一年保修! 【由于本公司货物品种较多,所以可能会出现断货现象,为避免延误给您发货的时间,请在购物前与我们沟通联系,以免发生任何的不快而扰乱您的购物乐趣!】 【收货须知:收到货物时,请您务必当着快递员签收,在签收前必须确认箱内的商品无缺少,无损坏,这样就可以签收啦,否则就拒收,这样我们才能帮您处理解决;一旦签收则视为商品完好无缺,我们也无法解决了,非常感谢您的配合。】 【阿里巴巴诚信通会员商铺#】 联系电话:0755-233445106 手机:13714108812 QQ:1595064202 阿里旺旺:qichedzcp MSN :kingbolen18@hotmail.com 邮箱:1595064202@qq.com联系人:刘小姐 货代: 国外客户:EMS . UPS. DHL . 国内客户:顺丰速递:深圳地区,首重1公斤12元,续重2元/公斤,其他地区首重1公斤20元,续重加8-13元/公斤不等。具体续重价格请咨询顺丰全国统一服务电话:40081111