MINI OPS优点:1、使用方便,性能更稳定。2.更小,更轻,方便携带和运输。3.内部结构更紧凑,防震性能更好。产品配置清单:1.MINOPS 介面盒 3.电脑连接线 1条4.电源线 1条5.诊断主线 1条6.16PIN(OBDII)诊断头 1只8.软件硬盘(DIS+SSS) 1块9.工具箱 1个OPS Pro Auto Diagnostic ToolOPS Pro is the lately updated professional diagnostic equipment for BMW cars manufactured up to now. It is much different in the shape from OPS, and it is smaller in size, lighter in weight. Moreover, OPS Pro is more stable than OPS in quality. It can do all the works what OPS does, and it is the replacement of OPS.OPS Pro is mainly used for diagnosis and programming BMW vehicles after E65 series. OPS Pro unit with DIS software is used for diagnosis, which is carried out via OBD-II socket. OPS Pro unit with SSS software is used for programming, which is carried out via OBD-II socket and MOST socket.Advantages for OPS Pro:1. OPS Pro is smaller in size, lighter in weight than OPS's;2. It can diagnose and program the BMW cars after year 2008;3. More stable than OPS;4. New version of softwares: SSS V32 (IBM T30 Software Service, many kinds of Languages) DIS V56 (IBM T30 Software Service)Standard Configuration:1. OPS Pro multiplexer2. OBD-II diagnostic cable3. LAN cable4. MOST cable5. HDD for SSS V41 and DIS V57批量购买更优惠! 产品质量保证,保修期一年!【由于本公司货物品种较多,所以可能会出现断货现象,为避免延误给您发货的时间,请在购物前与我们沟通联系,以免发生任何的不快而扰乱您的购物乐趣!】【收货须知:收到货物时,请您务必当着快递员签收,在签收前必须确认箱内的商品无缺少,无损坏,这样就可以签收啦,否则就拒收,这样我们才能帮您处理解决;一旦签收则视为商品完好无缺,我们也无法解决了,非常感谢您的配合。】手机:18025322062QQ:1748547443联系人:吴先生阿里旺旺:kangsaikeji网址:#邮箱